Frequently asked questions
General information and features
Evidoo is the world's largest online A/B test database for e-Commerce. We offer conversion best practices based on > 20 years of experience and thousands of conducted A/B tests. We don't just show you numbers; we explain them. Our A/B test results are paired with comprehensive analyses, ensuring you understand the 'why' behind every result.
Our monthly fee model ensures you get premium expertise without burning a hole in your pocket. Evidoo is founded by Jurjen Jongejan: one of the thought leaders in conversion optimization worldwide.
Our clienst realize a significant ROI by using Evidoo. Our clients achieve 10 - 40% higher conversion by implementing our best practices.
If you operate in the B2C, D2C, or B2B space and generate annual e-commerce revenues exceeding 500,000 euros, Evidoo is the perfect solution tailored just for you!
With the capability to deploy changes through your technical team or agency, you can use our best practices to increase your e-commerce conversion.
I you may not yet meet these conditions, Evidoo might not be the right fit at this time.
Every e-commerce platform is compatible with our best practices, as long as you (or your technical partner) are able to deploy changes to your webshop.
You will find a complete overview of our features here.
Evidoo is used by these heavy users to fill their backlog with conversion best practices:
- webshop owners
- e-Commerce Managers
- e-Commerce product owners
Evidoo is used by these heavy users to fill their backlog with money-making A/B test ideas:
- e-Commerce CRO specialists
- e-Commerce marketing specialists
If you are not in the e-Commerce industry, Evidoo is not for you.
Detailed information
Most best practices are applicable to any webshop. But we also offer you industry specific best practices. Want to know what works and what doesn't for your specific industry? No problem: filter easily by industry. We have more than 20 industries in our database. Also available for specfic B2B markets.
Most best practices are applicable to any webshop. But we also offer you country-specific best practices. Want to know what works and what doesn't for your specific country? No problem: filter easily by country.
All conducted A/B tests in Evidoo comply with:
- conducting sample size and power checks.
- performing the experiment only after an A/A test has been completed.
- implementing Sample Ratio Mismatch (SRM) checks.
- maintaining a minimum runtime of 2 weeks.
- measuring A/B tests only when they are visible to the website visitor, such as counting an A/B test in the middle of the product page only if the visitor has scrolled to that point.
Usually both. Most of the conversion best practices are highly applicable to various devices. In our database you can easily filter on mobile, desktop or both.
No. Our best practices are easy to understand and visualised. Of course, you or someone in your company should be able to brief the best practices to your technical Development partner or department.
No. All experiments in Evidoo have been analysed using Bayesian Statistics. The most important advantage of Bayesian statistics is that it is easy to understand. If there is a difference between the control and the variant, we determine the probability that there is a difference. The probability that the variation differs from the control, is indicated in a percentage.
An experiment labeled as ">80%" (winner), indicates that the hypothesis has a high probability (>80%) of being true.
An experiment labeled as "21 - 79%" (inconclusive), suggests the hypothesis has an intermediate chance of being true. This probability range indicates that there is still uncertainty regarding the hypothesis. Therefore it can not be clearly categorized as true or false.
An experiment labeled as "< 20%" (loser), likely represents a hypothesis that has less than a 20% chance of being true. This suggests that the hypothesis is likely false.
Pricing & Conditions
Yes. Your plan renews annually, but you can cancel at any time. Your plan will be billed annually.
Yes. Get free access to 1% of our database here.
No. We only offer annual subscriptions. For two reasons.
- Our vision is that eCommerce optimisation is an ongoing and long term process. At least for 1 year. Not for a couple of months.
- If you use Evidoo a full year, you actually experience our product. After all, you keep receiving new results of A/B tests every month. We love to be your endless source of inspiration and we love to inspire you every month.
No. The fees are excluding VAT. VAT will be automatically generated in the checkout, depending on your country.
Invoice payment. At the end of the checkout process, your invoice will be automatically generated and send by email. Once we received your invoice payment, you will have access by loggin in. You will be notified by email.
You can login to Evidoo, once we reveived your invoice payment. Usually it takes 2-4 business days. You will be notified by email.
Step 1: create your account
Step 2: verify your account by email
Step 3: complete the checkout and you will receive your invoice
Step 4: pay your invoice and you will have access by logging in
User details
First name
Last name
Email adress
Mobile phone (to send you a SMS code to verify your identity)
Company details
Company name
Postal code / ZIP code
VAT nr.
The percentage is a representative subset of our full database.
If you choose the plan 'Free', you will have access to a representative subset of 1% of our database.
If you choose the plan 'Starter, you will have access to a representative subset of 60% of our database.
You can upgrade any time.
You will get a conversion expert review of your e-commerce site by a highly experienced optimization consultant. Including prioritization and presentation to you and your team.
Yes, that is up to you. The plan 'advanced' comes with a conversion expert review of your e-commerce site. Your contact person is an experienced optimizing consultant.
Using Evidoo
You log in with your email adress and password on our website. After you have logged in, you will receive a SMS code on your mobile phone - to verify your identity.
An online A/B test is a method used to compare two versions of a webpage or element to determine which one performs better in terms of achieving a specific goal. This is done by randomly showing these different versions (version A and version B) to similar visitors at the same time. After a certain duration time the effectiveness of each version against a predefined objective will be measured. For example, online transactions, visitor to cart rate, or average order value.
A best practice in Evidoo is a hypothesis that has been A/B tested. Sometimes once, but often several times. Of each best practice, we provide you with the A/B test results.
The Evidoo rating is given on a scale from 1 to 100. Each best practice is assigned a score within this range. A higher score indicates a greater likelihood of increasing your conversion with minimal implementation effort.
Components of the Evidoo Rating
Number of experiments:
This refers to how often the best practice has been A/B tested. The more a best practice has been A/B tested, the more the evidence that the best practice does or does not work.
Win Ratio:
This refers to the success rate of the best practice in the conducted A/B tests. An experiment labeled as ">80%" (winner), indicates that the hypothesis has a high probability (>80%) of being true. A higher win ratio indicates that the best practice consistently outperforms the variant.
Impact on KPI:
This aspect evaluates how the best practice affects your conversion KPI's, for example conversion rate or average order value. Best practices with a substantial positive impact on the primairy KPI score higher.
Effort to implement:
This indicates the amount of effort and resources required to implement the best practice. Best practices that are easier and less resource-intensive to implement, will receive a higher score.
Best practices that receive a high Evidoo rating are labeled as 'Recommended.' This label implies that the best practices are not only effective (high evidence), but also can be implemented quickly and easily (quick wins).
This section shows two different designs of a web page. 'Control' is the original design, while 'Variant' is the new design. The variant visualizes the hypothesis.
'Number of experiments' is how many A/B tests we've run to validate the best practice. 'Win ratio' is the percentage of A/B tests where the variant performed better than the control. 'Loss ratio' is the opposite – it shows the percentage of A/B tests where the variant did not outperform the control.
The 'Average impact KPI' shows the average change in performance of the winning and loosing experiments. For example the average change in online transactions or average order value, caused by the variant.
These statuses provide a quick reference to understand the relative difficulty of implementing the tested changes.
Low: Changes are straightforward and can be made quickly with minimal technical requirements. This might include simple content updates or color changes. Or replace, hide or move an element on the page.
Medium: This indicates a moderate level of difficulty. Changes may require some development work, such as restructuring a section of the page or adding new elements that don't currently exist.
High: Signifies that the changes are complex and likely require significant development time. This might involve a major part of the website, integrating new technologies, or extensive quality assurance testing.